speed train to TianJin. It goes about 300KM per hour. So what would have taken almost 2 hours took only a half hour. But when you add in all the walking and subway stops to get to the train station, it makes for a long day. We relaxed at the home of dear friends whom we knew when we lived in Taiwan. David hadn't seen them for 11 years. I saw them in 2005 when I came to China with my Dad. We walked to the channel and the boys ice skated. They had a blast.
With our friends, the Kloppers, in Tianjin. |
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the updates and pictures on your blog. This tec. stuff is amazing! We are cold here too, 10 below Sat. morning. You are in our prayers. Love you all, Love Mom and Dad
So cool to know what you are doing so soon after you have done it; Couldn't have happened even 10 years ago. Praying! You must be so excited!
ReplyDeletedeb m
Good Morning From the Horgans in South Dakota, Wow we feel like we're there with you!! This is amazing, thank you for taking time to update us and all the great pictures! I think my nose got frost bite just reading your blog!! Tommorrow is the big day. We love you all Jim Leann Kelly, Kent and Alex.