Monday, September 28, 2009

David's thoughts from Hong Kong

David here. I am in Hong Kong and my flight is delayed, so I am taking advantage of the free wireless to do a brief update and share a few prayer requests regarding Fu Mei. Thanks for praying with us. It is looking like we are going to be able to travel in December. Initially it looked like we would be able to go in the second week of Dec. and be back on Christmas day or the day after. Lynn told me today that the immigration documents we have applied for came back today and were rejected for some minor reason. Pray with us as we and the agency try to figure out where the problem is.

We have been blessed to be in touch with several other families that have adopted children from the orphanage FuMei is in. Through them and the Yahoo Group website, we have been able to track down a lot of photos of her from the last three years or so. It is amazing to have these and to be able to see some glimpses of her life and surroundings. I will upload a few more of these and ask again that you remember FuMei in your prayers.

FuMei, Xi Fang and Meili
We don't know if she has received the initial box we sent, or what she knows or how she is feeling about the upcoming transition. Pray that God will be doing a work in her heart to prepare her, that he will protect her in the coming days, and orchestrate all the details of our travel. We are sending another package this week.

We have applied to an agency that does matching grants to help folks who are adopting. Pray we will get accepted and that funds will come in for the travel expenses that we are needing. Apparently ticket prices are generally higher in December when we expect to travel. Pray we can find good prices when the time comes for booking.
FuMei in the funny hat at an orphanage activity.

We love you all and thank you for standing with us and FuMei at this time.
This one breaks my heart. She needs a mommy.

FuMei being the big sis to all these friends. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New (old) pictures!

We had an amazing development today. I signed up for the Yangquan Orphanage Yahoo group and immediately received this e-mail...

Hi Lynn,

We just returned 3 wks ago with our daughter from YangQuan. She is almost 7 and really close like sisters with your daughter. They lived in the same room. I'm pretty certain your daughter is FuMei as we asked if she was being adopted when we got MeiLi and they told us yes. I have been sooo hoping that I would find her family because our daughters were so close. MeiLi, our daughter looks at photos of your daughter and Dang Xi Feng and really misses them. If I read your profile right you live in Denver which is a total miracle because we DO TOO!!!. I am so thrilled that she has a family and very soon. I really cannot wait to talk with you. This is sooo great.

I was able to talk with Wendy, who has met our daughter, and she shared these pictures with us. We are so numb with all this information, so happy to have a little more glimpse into Fu Mei's life. Keep praying with us!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We have Good News

We received a call from CCAI yesterday to tell us that the important paperwork we were waiting for from China arrived!! It's called the Letter of Acceptance. It starts the process rolling and means we will most likely be given clearance to travel before the end of the year. For us that probably means mid December. We are so excited about this as we have been praying for over a year to have her home with us before Christmas. It still could go in to January, but that's better than March!!

We sent a package to Fu Mei last week. We don't know if she received it or not. Please be thinking about her as she opens it and meets us for the first time. We put in some little toys, hair ribbons, clothes, a camera for her to take pictures of her friends and environment, pictures of us and a letter we wrote. Pray that her nannies will help her adjust to this new idea of moving to America to be with us.

Continue to pray for our children here. They are experiencing a lot of changes and that can be difficult. We have moved bedrooms around so that Fu Mei and Amy will be together. We bought a trundle bed and a wardrobe. The room looks lovely.

I have applied to another grant from Lifesong for Orphans. The paperwork has been sent in. Pray that they will review it quickly and offer us the grant. If they have funds available, it could be a matching grant of $4000.00, which would mean whatever we raise up to $4000.00 they would match. That would help a lot.

Thanks for standing by us! I'm feeling emotional about all this and overwhelmed. The next 3 months will be busy, as school continues, activities continue and now adding in travel preparations. We value your prayers and thoughts. I'm also collecting up greetings from friends and family to put in to Fu Mei's file. If you would like to send a greeting please feel free to do that. That would be lovely for her to read some day.