Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good News Today--Praise the Lord!

Praise God with us. Today we were notified by the Lifesong for Orphans folks with confirmation that we have been accepted for their matching funds program. They granted us $2500 in matching funds. We are thankful that gifts now will be matched as that will help a lot toward our needed travel expenses. Thanks for your prayers. We also heard from immigration today. They sent a note saying they got our paper work and are in process. This is a good sign as the last two times they just sent it back. We are hoping that the actual immigration form we are awaiting will arrive sometime this week and we can be moving forward in this whole process. Pray with us for that and for the remaining funds that we need for travel. God is good. Pray too that we can get travel clearance sooner than later so that ticket prices might be more reasonable.
To the right is a photo taken a few weeks ago when MeiLi and her mother and two Chinese siblings visited and spent the day with us. She is a sweetie and we are thrilled that she will get to see FuMei again. She loved showing us pictures that they brought and pointing out each of the friends from the orphanage and naming them by name. Pray for her too as she adjusts to a new life with her family.


  1. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow!!!!!! I am continually amazed at our great God who sees us and moves in His mysterious ways to bless us. I am so thrilled Sorteberg family! We continue to pray for everything. :) Love to you!

  2. Wondeful news about the grant!!! What a HUGE blessing. I hope you have good news to share soon when you receive your I-800 approval.
