Sunday, January 10, 2010

An amazing experience!

Our new daughter and precious Amy.

See that smile.  We are all happy.  No tears.
We can hardly believe how the last 2 hours have gone. God has answered all our prayers. We are back in the hotel with our new daughter. It's almost 1 in the afternoon on Monday. We went down stairs to the hotel lobby at 10:00am and our guide was there and said that FuMei had arrived earlier than expected and was waiting for us at the registrar! That was not what we had expected. So we taxied over there and went upstairs to the 5th floor, and walked in the door and there she was! Looking a little shy at first, but said Mama, Dada and immediately wanted to show us what was in her backpack. She had received 2 of the 4 packages we had sent. I'm so glad I sent 4 of them! So she was pulling out pictures and things we had given her. She is a sweetie. She understands our Chinese very well, I'm so happy for that. Her speech is somewhat slurred due to the cleft palate.

Trying to play Uno with their new sister.
We want to tell you more, and will when we get back, but we haven't had lunch yet, so we need to go. Just wanted to get this off for you who are up late praying for us. Thank you for all your prayers. We can hardly believe how well it's gone right now. Continue to pray, as we know there may be hard times ahead. Blessings, Lynn


  1. Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow!!!!!!!!! How wonderful and marvelous. Thank you Lord for answering prayer and such specific prayers. We will continue to pray for you all. Hugs and love.

  2. Praise the Lord! Can't wait to meet her!

  3. She is so beautiful!
    Great pictures!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us back here!
    We can't wait to meet her too!
    She seems so smiley!
    Praise God!
    Can't wait to hear all the details as they unfold.
    Enjoy every minute!
    Love, Julie

  4. Looking at your complete family fills my heart with joy! I can't imagine how full your hearts are! God is good...everyday...God is good!
    Deb M
