Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A day in YangQuan

Meeting Xi Fang. It was hard to leave her.

We have had an amazing day trip to FuMei's birthplace and the orphanage. The countryside between here and there is much like the western US, dry and mountainous. We had a bit of trouble finding the orphanage, but when we pulled in and were struggling to identify where we were, one of the ladies that had brought FuMei to us on Monday walked by our car. We asked her where the orphanage was and up ran a little girl in a pink jacket. Before we realized who it was the lady ordered her to run off to lunch. Only then as she called her name did we realize who it was--XiFeng, FuMei's roommate and friend. Before we could say anything, she ran off up the road to their eating place.
FuMei's teachers and helpers at the orphanage.
We also met Liam whose parents will be coming soon for him.

Eating lunch with XiFang.  Bittersweet for these two friends.
The lady then called the orphanage director who came out in time and invited us to take a tour of the retirement home building where FuMei has been going to school temporarily since the old orphanage was demolished to make way for the new building to be built soon. As we entered, two women were coming out--FuMei's teachers who greeted her very warmly and personally, touching her face. After some photos, XiFeng appeared and the two girls hugged. We got a tour of the classrooms where FuMei has been in kindergarden. We found out that she had not started school this fall as we had thought. We also met some of the elderly folk living there and others working in the orphanage as well as another little boy who is being adopted in the next month by an American family that we have had some contact with by email. FuMei seemed quite relaxed to be there and glad to see her friend.

After the short tour of the facility the director invited us to stay for lunch--so we had a full Chinese feast in a private room with the director, his assistant, our driver and XiFeng who sat next to FuMei. It was an elaborate meal and FuMei and XiFeng both ate heartily--XiFeng especially savoured the Sprite.

We are so amazed to have been able to see the facility and meet XiFeng. We had no expectation that that would ever happen and it was a real treat for FuMei to have that sort of special feast with her best friend. We hope they will meet again someday. It was sad for us as we piled into the van and XiFeng stood outside waving goodbye to us. FuMei was quiet, but did not seem too troubled. We are back now to the hotel, eating snacks and warming up after a walk from a local market. God is so gracious to have prepared this day for her and for us. We also drove by the local hospital where she was left as an infant years ago. We just took a quick picture for FuMei to see in the future when she begins to ask questions. Thanks for your prayers--pray for little XiFeng to get adopted. Apparently her file is in the system and so it is at least possible for her to adopted which was not true some months ago.

As we stand around the computer updating our blog, FuMei was in the background just now and got our attention by speaking out a clear "Hello". It's so fun to hear her English words.


  1. What a wonderful day for FuMei and you. What a blessing. Love the pictures. This blog is great to keep up with your days.
    Love, Mom

  2. Oh God is so good and wonderful. I am thrilled you were able to go to the orphanage and how incredible He had already predestined you would meet XiFeng. How wonderful for FuMei to have these pictures as she grows and questions things. Hugs again!

  3. Wow!! What an amazing day. The pictures are great. Thanks, for sharing this precious time with us.


    Cindy Luna

  4. I can't imagine what it must be like to see where Fu Mei has grown up, to meet her friends and teachers. XiFeng has been heavy on my heart since I saw you in December. Good to know her file is in the system.
    You all look so happy, thanks for the updates!

    Praying for you!

  5. Priceless !!
    Our hearts are full as we look at these beautiful faces. (They are now our wallpaper)Much prayer going before the throne.
    What an amazing, UNLIMITED God ! He knows no bounds. We are so touched and reminded of that fact as we read your updates. Thank you again for sharing with us.
