Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day One

Tian an Men Square. 

We are back to our hotel after a full day. Though cold, it was a lovely day in Beijing--blue sky, white snow and great sights. We walked though Tiananmen Square this morning and then circled back through the Forbidden City. Our hotel is so conveniently located, just two blocks from the gate into the Forbidden City.

We got Lynn a coat and all did well on our 7 hour walking journey through historic BJ.

We decided against the Palatable Pizza
We just got back from visiting some friends and colleagues for dinner north of the city. Traffic is pretty bad during rush hours, but we have been blessed to be able to use a driver and van introduced to us by our friends. He will take us to the Great Wall tomorrow morning, and past the Olympic Park on the way. We have two more very full days. Thanks for prayers. We're off to bed.


  1. HI guys!
    I am so glad I thought to check the blog!
    I hope I remember to come here daily!
    Aren't you all techy to keep us updated and with pictures right away like that! Neat!
    Have fun as a family!
    I DO wish we were there with you, cold and all!
    Many blessings and prayers!
    Julie Cochran for everyone here!

  2. Hello..

    Thanks for the great pictures and update. We've been praying and thinking a lot about you.
    Glad your safe and warm!!

    Many Blessings,

    Cindy Luna

  3. Hi Guys - SO-o-o-o glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound. I can't wait to hear about the adventure you are on when you get back. I trust everyone is getting photos/film.

    You are in my prayers. Thanks for the updates and photos.
    Love, Edi
