Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lazy Day--Group Oath

We had a very relaxed day walking around the island before our trip to the US Consulate this afternoon to take an oath with 34 other families. We were bussed across town to the south and were amazed at the miles and miles of high rise apartment complexes. We drove for over half an hour on an elevated highway and as far as you could see were massive high rise apartment complexes, constructions sites, sky scrapers--quite surreal to think of the millions and millions of people stacked up in these concrete residence blocks. Hard to imagine a city such as this. The oath was short and sweet, taken together with all the other families. One family was adopting their 5th child from China. Many of course are Christians and we have had some good conversations with several, some who have had experience with cleft lip and palate kids. Quite surprising how many are here getting their second child and many are special needs kids. Last year the numbers of special needs kids adopted surpassed those of healthy kids.

Tomorrow is our last day here--we are pleased about that. There has not been as much to do and going out about the island that is in such a mass renovation, is like walking though a war zone, add to that all the bikes and cars, horns, and dust and it is rather stressful moving about as a family. We have no special plans tomorrow. It is supposed to cool down and rain so we may be holing up indoors. Looking forward to packing up and moving on. It has been quite an experience for our family and I do think the adjustment to homelife for FuMei will be much easier having had all the healthy interaction with the kids these last weeks. We were told today that as soon as we pass through customs together with her she will be officially a US citizen. How strange. Our many Chinese friends would love it if it were that simple.

Lynn was bathing her tonight and asked her who used to help her bathe. She said her teachers. Lynn asked if she liked them helping her and she said, "No." Lynn followed with, "Why?" and she said, "Because I like you to bathe me." She knows how to make her mom feel good! We wish we could capture her laugh and let you all enjoy it. I'm sure it is not too hard, but it's beyond my present experience with this blog.

Thanks again for your prayers. We were talking over dinner tonight about how many prayers the Lord has answered for us and for FuMei to this point. We are humbled and so thankful.


  1. Another interesting blog. Wow, "pass through customs and she's a U. S. Citizen", welcome FuMei.
    Praying for you all as you pack and get ready to come home. Everything is so exciting. Love you all.
    Love, Mom

  2. Thank you for posting.
    You all have a way with words and I am often in tears with the spiritual truths that permeate there.
    Just walk through customs and she is a citizen.
    I guess when we walk through our Lord, the DOOR, then we are HIS citizens and children.
    The prayers continue as God knits your hearts together to be a family.
    May FuMei quickly come to know the HEAD as well.
    With love,
    Julie for all the Cochrans

  3. Dear Sorteberg family,

    Thanks for wonderful pictures and updates.
    I almost feel like being there with you!

    We are praying that you'll have a safe and smooth trip home to Denver and everyone will soon be adjusted.

    The Lord is good and faithful.
    He will bless you each with his amazing love!!

    Thinking of you and love you,
    Yan and family

  4. Welcome Fu Mei!!! Aunt Kristi (PS: We share the same birthday! :))

  5. I have loved getting to see your life while abroad. I also know how much you want to be home and get a routine in place. We have so enjoyed your blog and getting to pray for you AND..........see tangible answered prayers. God is good ALL the time. Blessings and safe flying.

  6. Praying for you all as you travel .. that you will all be able to rest on the flight. Also for JOY in the journey !
